Angry Scenes started in 2005 by releasing DIY CDs and compilations, as well as putting on loads of gigs in Birmingham at the Market Tavern (RIP), The Adam & Eve (RIP) and the Wagon and Horses (RIP). A few vinyl releases followed, but - as life got in the way and things got tough - the label slowed down quite a few years ago.

After a busy few years from the outset, Angry Scenes then spent several years occasionally dipping its tow in the water, putting on the the odd gig here & there, and helping with some releases, but in early 2024 I (Paul) decided to try and get things moving again, so our webstore now has releases for sale from many great bands/labels, gigs have started up again, and our new podcast has begun.

Over the years, Angry Scenes has helped bands with gigs from all over the world, including Brazil, USA, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, France, Belgium, and Italy, to name just a few. Hundreds of bands featured on the numerous compilations that were put out, and I have had the pleasure of making some amazing friends along the way.

Gigs will only happen every few months moving forwards, with bands we know and love, but expect much more in the way of records to buy, and music to listen to from now on.

Cheers, and here's to all you DIY punk supporters out there.